From Solutioneer™
SO-LU-TION-IST: a person who specializes in unearthing and navigating the difficult questions and nuances that lead to outstanding success.
VY-SION-EER: a Solutionist™ (see above) who uses an imagination-rooted success approach to envision what might be possible, by connecting powerful emotions to an idea such that the energy applied transforms the whim into a belief and ultimately into an undeniable reality.
I was born with Vysion™ but didn’t really know it.
I could always see the bigger picture. The unspoken pieces of conversations. The possibilities floating beside the most complex challenges.
No matter how big the mess or the milestone —
I could design a pathway forward. To reach seemingly impossible goals. To solve seemingly impossible problems.
Being dealt a tough hand as a kid, I was motivated to overcome again and again. And my ability to see the forest above the trees and how to reach those unreasonable goals, gave me the motivation to chase them ruthlessly.